a division of the
Division of Drug and Crime Control
P.O. Box 568, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Press Release
For further information please contact:
Sergeant Bradley R. Germann
January 15, 2025
Bismarck, Missouri, Man Arrested For Possession And Promoting Child Pornography
The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control announces the arrest of Michael A. Driemeier, 31, of Bismarck, MO. Driemeier was arrested on January 9, 2025, for two counts of Possession of Child Pornography, two counts of Promoting Child Pornography, and one count of Failing To Register As A Sex Offender. The arrest followed an investigation conducted by the Special Victims Unit of the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control.
In July 2024, investigators with the Special Victims Unit were notified of a social media account tied to Michael A. Driemeier that had transferred images of child pornography. Investigators also discovered Driemeier, as a registered sex offender, failed to disclose several social media accounts to state officials.
On Thursday, January 9, 2025, investigators located Driemeier in Farmington, Missouri. After questioning, investigators arrested and transported Driemeier to the St. Francois County Jail.
On Monday, January 13, 2025, the St. Francois County Prosecuting Attorney formally charged Driemeier with two counts of Promoting Child Pornography- 1
Degree, two counts of Possession of Child Pornography and 1 count of Failing to Register As A Sex Offender. Driemeier is currently being held in the St. Francois County Jail with a $250,000.00 bond.
The above charges are mere accusations and not evidence of guilt. Evidence in support of these charges must be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
The Division of Drug and Crime Control encourages internet users to promptly report to the Patrol or local law enforcement anyone who attempts to engage in unwanted, inappropriate, or sexualized communications with children.
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