A Division Of The
Department of Public Safety
Public Information and Education Division - PO Box 568 - Jefferson City, MO 65102
For further information please contact:
Capt. John J. Hotz
Q5292019-1 (573) 526-6115
May 29, 2019
EMPHASIS: CVO Sprv. Brandon S. Whittington Promoted To Chief CVO
Captain Kevin C. Kelley, director of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, General Headquarters, announces the following promotion effective May 12, 2019:
Commercial Vehicle Officer Supervisor Brandon S. Whittington, Q/CVE, is being promoted to chief commercial vehicle officer and will remain assigned to the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, General Headquarters, Jefferson City, MO.
Whittington joined the Patrol on December 1, 2009, as a commercial vehicle inspector and was assigned to Troop C. He also served in the Troop G, Willow Springs area. In June 2016, Whittington was named hazardous materials specialist and transferred to General Headquarters. In December 2016, he was promoted to commercial vehicle inspector supervisor. Whittington graduated with Commercial Vehicle Officer Class 7 in November 2018.
Chief CVO Whittington grew up in Willows Springs, MO, and graduated from Willow Springs High School in 2004. Chief CVO Whittington and his wife, Danetta (Aldridge), have six children, Curtis, Nathan, Ashlyn, Milee, Abigail, and Averee.
Whittington, Brandon Chief CVO.jpg