a division of the

Troop G Headquarters-P.O. Box 10-Willow Springs, MO 65793

News Release

For further information please contact: Sergeant Martin K. Elmore
(417) 469-3121, ext. 225
December 15, 2009

EMPHASIS: Window Tinting

Captain Billy E. Chadwick, commanding officer of Troop G, Willow Springs, wishes to remind the public of the provisions of the window tinting law.
Missouri law states that vehicles registered in Missouri may have the windows to the immediate right and left of the driver tinted to 35 percent, plus or minus 3 percent or more light transmittance. Windows behind the driver and the rear glass are not subject to tint limitations. The windshield is not to be tinted except that portion at the top, which is normally tinted by the vehicle manufacture.
Missouri law does not require safety inspection stations to inspect window tinting for compliance during safety inspections. Therefore, it is the vehicle owner’s/purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle’s window tint is in compliance with the law. If a person requires extra tinting to the front side windows due to a medical condition, a written prescription in the name of the vehicle owner must be obtained from a physician. The prescription must state that the darker tinting is required. Also, when a permit is issued a sticker will be affixed to the lower left corner of your windshield and a decal will be placed on the rear window or rear bumper.
Troopers are equipped with tint meters that will gauge the percent of tint on questionable vehicle windows. If a window sticker is not visible and the window tint appears to be in violation then the trooper can initiate a vehicle stop. If window tinting permits are not in order and it is determined through the use of the tint meter that the windows are too dark enforcement action will be taken by the trooper.
Any person who violates provisions of the window tinting law will be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
Captain Chadwick said, “Illegal window tinting is dangerous on many levels. It not only reduces a driver’s ability to see out of the vehicle, particularly at night, but it is also an officer safety issue for any police officer who must stop that vehicle. Our troopers will aggressively enforce this important law.”
