a division of the

Troop F Headquarters - 2920 North Shamrock Road - Jefferson City, MO 65102

News Release

For further information please contact: Sergeant Paul J. Reinsch
(573) 751-1000
October 18, 2012

EMPHASIS: Results Of "Click It 4 Life" Campaign In Troop F

Captain Gregory D. Kindle, commanding officer, Troop F Headquarters, Jefferson City, announced today the results of "Click It 4 Life" campaign which was conducted throughout the 13 counties that encompass Troop F. This enforcement campaign included checkpoints and saturations which were held on October 16, 2012. A total of 1,248 non-commercial and 63 commercial vehicles were stopped. The following is a list of enforcement contacts for the operation:

22 -- Speed
134 -- Seat Belt
8 -- Child Restraint
1 -- Other Hazardous Moving
13 -- Non-Moving
10 -- Driver’s License
5 -- Insurance
2 -- Drug Arrest
140 -- Warnings

The Patrol encourages motorists to protect themselves from all types of hazardous drivers by ensuring
everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint system. If anyone observes
an impaired driver, please call the Missouri State Highway Patrol Emergency Hotline at
1-800-525-5555 or *55 on a cellular phone.