A Division Of The
Department of Public Safety
Public Information and Education Division - PO Box 568 - Jefferson City, MO 65102

For further information please contact: Capt. John J. Hotz
Q532016-1 (573) 526-6115

May 3, 2016
EMPHASIS: Patrol Announces New Safety Video “Don’t Violate The Trust”

Colonel J. Bret Johnson, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, announces a new traffic safety program for teenage and adult drivers entitled, “Don’t Violate The Trust." Public information and education officers at each troop headquarters are available to schools, civic organizations, and churches to present a safety program which includes the showing of "Don’t Violate The Trust." There is no cost for the program.

This new traffic safety program is appropriate for those 14 years of age and older. The Patrol's MultiMedia Unit created the new generation 15-minute video, which uses photographs, music, and testimonials from victims and family members. The video focuses on risky behaviors behind the wheel, such as: drinking and driving, failure to use occupant restraints, inattentive driving, texting, and speeding.

“People do not die in traffic crashes, they are killed ... violently,” said Colonel Johnson. “Traffic crashes can happen any time, any place. Every day as we travel on Missouri’s roadways, we trust that every driver on the road is going to obey the speed limit, pay attention, and drive sober.”

The video is a collaborative effort among the Missouri State Highway Patrol, State Farm, KCP&L, Ameren Missouri, Farm Bureau, Operation Lifesaver, and Bloomsdale Excavating Co. Inc. Additional sponsors include Citizens Electric Corporation, Belgrade State Bank, Sam Scism Ford Lincoln, Crown Motors, First State Community Bank, The Builders’ Association, and Mr. Ronald D. Reeder.

"This moving video puts into perspective the importance of being a courteous, attentive driver," said Colonel Johnson. "Families and communities are greatly affected when a loved one dies in a traffic crash. I sincerely appreciate the organizations and individuals whose donations made this project possible. This video provides a safety message that can make a difference and help us in our efforts to save lives. Don’t Violate The Trust."
