News Release

For further information please contact: Sergeant M.K. Elmore

417-469-3121, ext. 225


December 07, 2005

EMPHASIS: Missouri Sheriff's Association Raffle Harley for Hayden Graham

Captain B.E. Chadwick, Commanding Officer of Troop G, Willow Springs, announces the following:

On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, a drawing will be held at Troop G Headquarters at 1:00 p.m. to determine the winner of the 2006 Harley-Davidson Softail Classic which is being raffled by the Missouri Sheriff’s Association to raise money for the Hayden Graham Education Fund. Hayden Graham is the surviving minor son of slain Troop G Sergeant Carl Dewayne Graham, Jr.

Pike County Sheriff and Missouri Sheriff’s Association President Jim Wells will be present for the drawing. It is anticipated that numerous area sheriffs and several Missouri State Highway Patrol staff officers will also be present for the drawing. The 2006 Harley-Davidson motorcycle will be on display and Hayden Graham will be present to draw the winning ticket.

All media representatives and citizens are welcome to attend.