Matt Blunt, Governor

Mark James, Director


State of Missouri • P.O. Box 749 • Jefferson City, MO 65102 • Terri Durdaller • 573-751-4819


For more information, please contact:

Terri Durdaller

Communication Director

(573) 751-4819Alcohol and Tobacco Control Begins Efforts to Reduce Burden on Businesses

Jefferson City, June 13, 2005—In his first month as the new state supervisor for Alcohol and Tobacco Control, a division under Department of Public Safety, Dale Hardy Roberts has begun taking cost saving steps to improve relations with businesses applying for liquor licenses.

The liquor license process requires an applicant to submit the results of a criminal history check. Under the previous administration’s policy, the background was rejected if it was over 14 days old. If the applicant presented a background check that was even 15 days old, the division required the candidate to start that part of the process over again, which created additional costs, paperwork and delay for the applicant, and also placed higher demands on the agency that performs the background investigation. In an effort to end unnecessary frustration and additional expense to Missouri businesses, Roberts has changed the 14-day rule to 60 days.

“State government is expected to run in an effective and efficient manner, we are supposed to help the people of this state, not hinder them,” Roberts said. “I could not find a single instance where a conviction occurred within weeks, or even months, of the application. But, there were countless instances where this policy caused the hard-working and honest business members of our state unnecessary delay and lost business opportunities.”

Roberts reported that the agents who investigate and process applications were pleased to see a provision that allows enough time for the applicant to complete the process. The additional time for the applicants to compile a complete and accurate application reduces the need for repeated visits to various state offices and directly benefits both individuals and businesses.